Let’s Bring Justice Back to the Courts

by Erik Vollstädt
How do we know a court decision was just? Is there an objective way to make moral judgements? Whereas I’m certainly in no position to tell you whether moreality is objectively definable or not, I’m convinced that the judgement of a mutually agreed upon arbitrator is of higher value for for both conflicting parties than the final verdict of a monopolistic law provider AKA the state.
What is the law? It is supposed to be the result of a society’s customs and traditions, serving as the neutral reference point for those seeking arbitration rather than resolving disputes by brute force, like barbarians (“might makes right”). Laws have traditionally evolved through majority consensus between merchants, the British Common Law was merely the written manifestation of what was already agreed upon on the marketplace.
What happened ever since the rise of the nation state was the perversion of law: Instead of making the lives of the people easier, governments have used their citizen’s trust to their code of law as a tool to enforce their will on everyone. Those in power and their cronies have done their best to let their citizens believe that being in power is enough to legitimize their role as sole legal authority, and that it would work out fine if everyone complies and never questions the given guidelines of what is right and wrong.

They set up a complex system of educational mass indoctrination and licencing for every aspiring lawmaker to go through, to make sure only those supporting the status quo get the jobs.
We have come to the point where jurisprudence defies any form of common sense and rules only in favour of those who pay/pressure them the most, making it impossible for anyone to change the system from within.
So, what other way out is left?

I propose we create a voluntary , non-geographic parallel system, with competing codes of laws and judges. Free market mechanisms will ensure that the will of the market participants influences the law. As long as law customers remain interested in peace and voluntaryism, all immoral and corrupt judges will have no good revenue in this market.
How could such a stateless law market be brought about in today’s statist world? Bitnation has the answer! We provide the tools for just law production: Our DApps give arbitrators and their customers a platform for anonymous communication, a secure payment with cryptocurrencies and integrated rating systems, to make sure the market’s reputation mechanism works. Law enforcement cannot be guaranteed (yet) , but those refusing to comply to the verdict of a mutually agreed upon arbitrator will be ostracized from our private law market and will have to return to using monopolistic government law providers.

Bitnation’s law DApps will give every customer the possibility to choose their preferred code of law, so that conflicts will be managed by arbitrators with an expertise that suits both conflicting parties sets of beliefs. Furthermore, the whole procedure will be much more cost-efficient than today’s legal system and customer-oriented. Judgements will be publicly visible on the blockchain, testified by a global audience of users. It’s like AirBnB or Uber for arbitration, because that’s what law was always supposed to be: Convenient, peaceful and alleviating everyday life.
Erik Vollstädt Articles, Private Law, Voluntaryism & Anarchy
Erik Vollstädt
Global Lead Ambassador
Born 1993, aspiring entrepreneur and champion of voluntary societies & private property ethics. Proponent of counter-economics and competing market currencies, such as precious metals or cryptocurrencies. Translated Robert Murphy’s Chaos Theory into German together with Julian Schmierer. Participated in AnCap Happening 2014, Ludwig von Mises Conference 2014 in Munich, and had appearances as Skype guest speaker at SFL-Ghana and CoinFest Russia seminars on Self-Governance and global decentralization by leveraging Blockchain technology. Undergraduate in International Business Administration with focus on Management and Marketing. Wants to live an international lifestyle.
Source: bitnation-blog.com/lets-bring-justice-back-to-the-courts