
Per cognitione universum ad homo divinus
What is Libre.Life

Libre.Life - a free life
Libre.Life - is a free decentralized club innovators and inventors, creators of the club, the club entrepreneurs, investors and experts;
Libre.Life - a new economy based on resource-reputation model and decentralized technologies;
Libre.Life - is the creation of free decentralized settlements (communes) on cooperative principles;
Libre.Life - this funding projects by Crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, crawdinvesting;
Libre.Life - is the creation of a decentralized internet and State (Nation) 2.0;
Libre.Life - a community of people of the future. We - the people of the future.
Libre.Life site

Libre.Life site - is the entry point
Libre.Life site was created as a directory ordered and structured information in the directions and projects that are necessary to achievement our objectives. The tactical objective of the project - the creation of a distributed network of communication in society, which can not be destroyed, moderate, or some other means to restrict freedom of information exchange. For this kernel is developed Libre.
IT transaction system

In fact - this is the clearing center of the cooperative economy of Russia, which are members of co-operatives and consumer society. The project aims to make a major push in this direction in our country. IT-platform technologies designed to blockchain and the new economic policy of negative interest rates, is widely used today by European central banks.

Free decentralized club of innovators and inventors, the club of creators, the club of entrepreneurs, investors and experts.
Meeting for the presentation, discussion of ideas, pans, projects
Libre Core

The purpose of the project Libre Core - the creation of a decentralized database as a tool for Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Experts and Co-operators.
Libre Core - is a universal API (RestFul Api), the implementation of the free web-engine and the necessary tools. Libre Core is based on a decentralized technology blockchain.

Libre.Money — this is the first secured cryptocurrency with emission-based crowdfunding.
Libre.Money — the first and only secured cryptocurrency not subject to neither inflation nor deflation.
White Book