The measure of value, medium of exchange, a store of value
Money is a MEASURE, which is the universal equivalent of value of goods and services.
Functions of money:
- The measure of value;
- The medium of exchange;
- Storage means (controversial statement).
What is money (What is money)
The labor theory of money
Natalia Grace - Influence of money on Consciousness
Маргрит Кеннеди - Деньги без процентов и инфляции

Work as a value: classic designs and modern labor money
The theory of labor value has a long history. People have long come to the conclusion that the creation of any product requires a certain amount of time and labor costs. More...

The Next Step to Improve Bitcoin’s Flexibility, Scalability and Privacy Is Called MAST
The soon-to-be proposed Segregated Witness soft fork is set to extend Bitcoin’s potential in several ways. One potentially promising innovation enabled by “SegWit” is MAST, an abbreviation for Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees. While mainly designed to increase smart contract flexibility, MAST would increase scalability and privacy on the platform at the same time. More...

Money in the economy is not enough? Why?
If we talk specifically about the economy of our country, in fact, there are two points of view: - Money our economy during the whole reform is not always enough. - More money (given, print, issue, etc.) can not be right because it will increase inflation. And one of the main objectives of the authorities (Central Bank primarily) to prevent inflation. More...

What the economy needs money (new money for the calculations)
Presently available money (rubles that that the dollars that any other currency of the modern economy) are deficient in their very nature. More...

The money of the future (arguments on practical futurology). As you know there is nothing more practical than a good theory. And when the theory "has gripped the masses" - it is shaping the future. But until then - any theory - it is only the basis for the projections. More...

Caution - is the currency of the future
Attention! Money! Pay attention! Just a moment of your attention! More...

Not to be repeated - I have decided to make this post. Comments about the site of crowd-investing SIMEX, about MMM, about the economy and about the money. More...

The Central Bank of Italy and the virtual currency
The Central Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia) was the first public body in this country, who made a statement about virtual currencies. More...

Mikhail Friedman spoke about the "disappearance" of banks in 10 years
One of the founders of the consortium "Alpha-Group" Mikhail Fridman sure that in the next few years in the banking sector will take place tremendous changes. In the next ten years in the banking sector will occur "absolutely enormous changes", and by the end of this period, the banks, to which we are accustomed, will cease to exist, I am sure a member of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank, co-owner and head of the supervisory board of "Alpha groups" Mikhail Fridman. More...

The money of the future. What will replace the banks
Imagine a society without banks, without modern money, no wages. A society in which a person is born with the assigned rating, well, or credit. For example, two million dollars - the rating the baby. Or 100 thousand. Depending on the social, physical, biological parents' success. The higher the rating - the more credit. More...

Asset Exchange, Alias System, Arbitrary Messages, Market Place, Smart Contracts, Voting System, Transparent Forging, Economic Clustering, Anti Deflation, Instant Transactions, Monetary System, Social Graph, Reputation System, Global Collaboration, Distributed Storage, Distributed Computing, Intelligent Agent... More...

Altruistic currency vs LibreMoney
Very interesting project LibreMoney. Its essence is that the money issue is carried out directly for the financing of innovative projects. More...

An interview with the managing partner of venture fund of the Sberbank
"So I almost did not pay attention to the legislation today, because it will still change after three months, six months." More...

For whom is developed LibreMoney
For venture capitalists, for private investors, for startups, for Open Source Community More...

Money is not the value. Money - it's just a reflection of the numerical values. More...

Video Interview with Tatiana Chebykina about LibreMoney
Today recorded video interview with Tatiana about LibreMoney Chebykina ( More...

About the FRS, Bitcoin and providing money
Most people ask the same type of questions, so I decided to share a quote from the forum for a discussion of banks and financial instruments. More...

Cryptocurrency - a relatively new form of currency, which is just beginning to gain massive traffic, but still many do not understand why should deal with it and start to use it. Really, why? Here are ten good reasons that explain why is to grasp the essence of the virtual, the new currency. More...

Financial Markets and Institutions
Video lectures on financial markets and institutions. This course examines the global changes that are transforming the financial markets, engage in financial turnover of the new institutions, contribute to the emergence of new financial instruments, changing approaches to the regulation of financial markets. More...

No matter how absurd at first glance, sounds, issue their own money was and is not only important, but also one of the main sources of income. And, practically, the only real way to "fabulously" get rich in a short time. More...

The first thought of creating an independent digital currency date back to 1992. In that year, Timothy May, a former Intel physicist, invited his friends to a house in Santa Cruz, to discuss the prospects of development of the Internet. By this time, Whitfield Diffie has created public key cryptography, and Philip Zimmermann - PGP-encrypted e-mail. More...

As part of the theory of Freiwirtschaft, Freigeld ('free money', German pronunciation: [ˈfʁaɪɡɛlt]) is a monetary (or exchange) unit proposed by Silvio Gesell. More...

What physicists have come up with Anti Money?
Credit and financial system of the modern world - is not only a source of rapid growth, but also no less lightning economy falls around the world. Maybe something to do with it's time? More...

Theory of Money. From seashells to Bitcoin
This course is about the phenomenon, to which each of us faces on a daily basis, which is often and excitedly talk people around the world, as it has become an integral part of our lives (especially in the city!) - About the money... More...

NextCoin in many respects very different from all other cryptocurrency. In NextCoin used concept that calls Proof of Stake, and is based on the fact that in order to create a new unit, you must have in your account as many coins as possible. More...

Theoretical formula KriyaDengi project. This model proved to be complex and not viable. Therefore Libre.Money project was born. However, the main point - there are not changed. Namely: 1) The right to issue belongs to all users; 2) To issue necessary to successfully implement community service projects; 3) The usefulness of a project is determined by open vote ... More...

In the first part I tried to describe the shortcomings of the existing financial system. And also considered the alternatives. In this article, I will try as much as possible lucidly describe what the real value. And then, hopefully, it will be clear why the existing money can not be a value (that is, can not be a reliable means of accumulation because they are not security). More...

KriyaMoney. Part 1: Introduction
Judging by the different materials on the Internet, the 2008 crisis in the United States and the crisis of 2010 in Russia - this is only the beginning of the global economic crisis. Looking for something to do with it. Namely, you need to find a convenient and reliable way to pay for various "goods", need a convenient tool for investment, you need a convenient way to accumulate. More...

The theory of free money as a counterbalance to debt money
Having become acquainted with the material provided, the entire order will be clearly revealed to you, that financial and political system is in control. You will see what money is, what monetary systems are beyond what we are used to today. You will learn about the causes of poverty and about whom, all the same, it is beneficial to maintain this state of affairs! More...

In a dispute with one of the bloggers faced with a lack of information on the Internet regarding the dollar inflation. Most likely, this information must be sought in the English-speaking segment of the network, but as with the English in me, to put it mildly, disagreement - it was necessary to make separate calculations, based on data from "Big Mac Index", which is used to evaluate the purchasing power parity. More...