LibreMoney — this is the first secured cryptocurrency with emission-based crowdfunding.
LibreMoney — the first and only secured cryptocurrency not subject to neither inflation nor deflation.
New Money (emission) in LibreMoney can only get the authors successful crowdfunding projects. The authors introduce new value in the world and receive for money creation, as a bonus for useful work. In fact, all the money in LibreMoney provided useful real work. Therefore, we say that LibreMoney — is to secured currency.
About Libre.Money
"White papper" Libre.Money
Purpose of the LibreMoney project - Libre Money project (Blog) - Libre Money project (Node.js)

Asset Exchange, Alias System, Arbitrary Messages, Market Place, Smart Contracts, Voting System, Transparent Forging, Economic Clustering, Anti Deflation, Instant Transactions, Monetary System, Social Graph, Reputation System, Global Collaboration, Distributed Storage, Distributed Computing, Intelligent Agent... More...

Altruistic currency vs LibreMoney
Very interesting project LibreMoney. Its essence is that the money issue is carried out directly for the financing of innovative projects. More...

White Paper LibreMoney project
According to initial plans, should be ready 24/10/2014 LibreMoney-Beta1. But the project proved more difficult than I expected. To date, the realized part of the functional concept worked out, made a business model, and other materials. More...

About the money, the future and neuroruble
Very few people even from the financial sector to understand where the money come from, what they are, why they are needed, unlike what the words "money" and "currency". For these people, the financial sector - it's only business. But it's not for me. In my opinion the finance - it is a very powerful tool for people management, development management. More...

LibreMoney Unlike other cryptocurrency
Bitcoin - the first and most popular today cryptocurrency that works under this scheme. The protocol was originally Bitcoin can create "smart contracts." Or else, "self-fulfilling contracts". All this is well worked out, but still enjoys limited popularity. Many people do not know that it exists. More...

Money is not the value. Money - it's just a reflection of the numerical values. More...

BitLegal is the easiest way to explore the evolving regulatory landscape of virtual currency around the world. More...

The mechanism of venture сrowd-investment in the LibreMoney
LibreMoney created as a system for raising funds for the "start-ups" in the early stages. This is called crowdfunding. Result crowdfunding usual - this is not some tangible benefits on the similarity of the poster with the personal signature of the author, etc. It's fun, but for many far more important to invest in order to obtain monetary gain in the future. This is called equity crowdfunding. LibreMoney system is designed for this. People can invest (Lm) in the Crowd project for a stake in the project. More...

Video Interview with Tatiana Chebykina about LibreMoney
Today recorded video interview with Tatiana about LibreMoney Chebykina ( More...

Provisional rules of projects in the system LibreMoney
LibreMoney designed to attract funding in high-risk (venture) OpenSource projects in the field of information technology and other non of material assets (music, video, etc.). More...

Our first video presentation ready
Our first video presentation is ready! — … We are happy And soon in english, follow us! Lets make it better! And we realized this presentation using crowdfunding! Follow us, we are looking for partners :) More...

Constituent elements LibreMoney
Assets LibreMoney, Aliases and messages LibreMoney, Multi-gateway why decentralized market, How does the exchange of assets, decentralized crowdfunding, security system with open source concept of colored coins More...

About the FRS, Bitcoin and providing money
Most people ask the same type of questions, so I decided to share a quote from the forum for a discussion of banks and financial instruments. More...

Now comes the first phase, which is planned following the work with these costs in the Lm-money. More...

About Bitcoin, NetCoin and altcoins
I've been watching the cryptocurrency. At the time, established and Mayne bit on your PC. Then I remove the client along with a purse. The fact that I do not understand what the software in Bitcoins and others PoW cryptocurrency. The idea - to burn more electricity for the selection of hashes? More...

Target - Ideal or real object conscious or unconscious desire of the subject; the end result, which is deliberately directed process; "The possibility of bringing it to completion"; conscious way prejudge the outcome. More...

Description of the system work most clearly turns to explain with an example. Assume that the system has a number of participants and there is community. One of the participants of the project proposes to implement CrowdFunding. Project LibreMoney necessarily implemented within the framework of a community. In this project the author must be a member of the community within which plans to hold a fundraiser. More...

If the issue of money for any work (as a useful and not useful), the value of "money" will decrease. Therefore LibreMoney new money is issued only after the evaluation of the project's author. More...

About Libre.Money of discussion at
I propose to implement a system in which the issue is made for the actual useful work. Supervise the usefulness of people: Crowd investors in the project, community members in the category of which the project (experts) is realized. More...

Delegated proof of share or DPOS protocol
This article introduces a new implementation of the Protocol evidence proportion in which the confirmation of transactions in seconds, providing greater security for a shorter period of time than any existing systems operating under the protocol proofs share PoS. By the time the system Bitcoin will be made only one block, your transaction will be certified for 20% of the shareholders, and by then, Bitcoin to approve the deal and make it almost irreversible (6 blocks, 1 hour), your transaction under DPOS protocol has to be certified 100% of the shareholders through their delegates. More...

NextCoin in many respects very different from all other cryptocurrency. In NextCoin used concept that calls Proof of Stake, and is based on the fact that in order to create a new unit, you must have in your account as many coins as possible. More...

Transactions as proof of share
Protocol share evidence Proof-of-Stake, based on the concept, which implies that blocks the chain security should be provided by those who have the existence of the chain's financial interest. This article will demonstrate a new approach to the protocol Proof-of-Stake, in which the destruction of the coin-days in each transaction replaces the vast majority provided evidence in the framework of the protocol work Proof-of-Work aspects of network security. More...

Theoretical formula KriyaDengi project. This model proved to be complex and not viable. Therefore Libre.Money project was born. However, the main point - there are not changed. Namely: 1) The right to issue belongs to all users; 2) To issue necessary to successfully implement community service projects; 3) The usefulness of a project is determined by open vote ... More...

In the first part I tried to describe the shortcomings of the existing financial system. And also considered the alternatives. In this article, I will try as much as possible lucidly describe what the real value. And then, hopefully, it will be clear why the existing money can not be a value (that is, can not be a reliable means of accumulation because they are not security). More...

KriyaMoney. Part 1: Introduction
Judging by the different materials on the Internet, the 2008 crisis in the United States and the crisis of 2010 in Russia - this is only the beginning of the global economic crisis. Looking for something to do with it. Namely, you need to find a convenient and reliable way to pay for various "goods", need a convenient tool for investment, you need a convenient way to accumulate. More...