About LibreMoney

LibreMoney - this is the first secured cryptocurrency with emission-based crowdfunding.
LibreMoney - the first and only secured cryptocurrency not subject to neither inflation nor deflation.

New Money (emission) in LibreMoney can only get the authors successful crowdfunding projects. The authors introduce new value in the world and receive for money creation, as a bonus for useful work. In fact, all the money in LibreMoney provided useful real work. Therefore, we say that LibreMoney - is to secured currency.
- Create a complete financial system.
- Openness. Completely open system.
- Decentralization. Septic system! No single server, there is no single mechanism for transferring data.
- Stability. Maximum cryptographic protection. Encrypting the entire (transmitted data, the stored data) - this is necessary to avoid the possibility of compromise and destroy the system.
- Anonymity. Exclude the possibility of tracking the real location of the user.
- Scalability. The system should be able to scale up to larger sizes is not limited. Including should be able to work the system in interplanetary scale.
- Reliability. Accurate execution of all tasks, regardless of the desires of third parties.
- The uniqueness. The system is one. All actions are unambiguity. Not allowed parallel on different subnets of a system, is not allowed fragmentation of the system.
Сapabilities of the system
- Co-financing of projects (crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, crowdinvesting).
- Investment.
- VC funding.
- Long-term accumulation.
- Decentralized exchange of assets.
- Trade.
- Freelance.
- and so on.
- Until the system at least three computer system continues operation.
- When the temporary isolation subnet system does not violate its functioning. Occurs only a limited number of users available for financial calculations and contracting.
- The emergence and cash flows are subject only to open algorithms.
- The amount of cash system reflects the totality of the real values in the system.
- Emission is produced only when creating a new real values.
Business Plan
Presentation of the project
Download the presentation of the project LibreMoney (3.8 MB)
Video presentation