The totality of the relations of production

Production, Products, Services

Money, funds, financial markets

Creating the best ways of distribution of products

Joint financing

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

Basic Income
Unconditional Basic Income
Target: Creation a resource, reputational, innovation and knowledge economy.

Economics, logistics, Finance, money, society, noosphere
In this article I present a definition of terms, the knowledge of which is necessary for understanding the System.

Digital transformation: how to free the state from its own shackles?
A significant obstacle to using the data accumulated in SIS is that many data are closed. As a rule, not for reasons of national security. The real motive is to hide from prying eyes a mess and a lack of co-ordination in the sector of state administration that these data relate to. Unlike SIS, these platforms do not contribute to the interaction of economic entities of those complications and interference that are created by interdepartmental barriers. More...

Digital Economy (presentation)
We are building a virtual world to create real values for real consumers More...

The lessons of Hernando de Soto: developed countries - those where the "shadow economy" won
Re-reading the books of the Peruvian de Soto, I caught myself thinking that they are a wonderful introduction to the libertarian program. Usually de Soto is perceived only as a person who showed the role of the shadow economy in our life. This, it seems to me, is a rather narrow idea. The material that de Soto gives in his books has a much more serious application. More...

The financial system in the Soviet Union and modern Russia. Comparison
Mechanisms of financial systems - the strong economy of the USSR, in which the country was a world leader. And a weak Russia. More...

Investment income is distributed among the shareholders in the form of food, so that it suffices for the services of any catering. More...

At the current time, our country, Russia, is under sanctions of Western countries, the ruble depreciated against the dollar and the euro, the mood in the business environment, to put it mildly depressive - there is uncertainty about the future, it is unclear what will happen with the political and economic situation, increased excise taxes , taxes and fees… More...

Network system Innovation Economy
Global trends and the realities of Russia. Natalia Smorodinskaya. Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Expert Workshop. February 15, 2016 More...

Networking in business, society and nature. Colleagues! A seminar on networks in RVC. This press release. More...

Wealth has exceeded 1% of people state the remaining 99% of the inhabitants of the Earth
Only 1% of the Earth's richest people own more states than all the rest of the population of the planet, according to the report prepared by the British charity Oxfam for the next World Economic Forum in Davos. More...

Economic literacy: «The Tale of the credit crunch»
Klava, known in the village hooch-maker, decided to expand his business and to oust from the market your competitor hooch-maker Masha. More...

Economic literacy: «The Tale of Goldman Sachs»
What is big business on the US at the moment and that, in fact, it is written in this article about Goldman Sachs, if translated into human language. More...

Economic literacy: «Tale of the automobile industry and the stock market»
I do automobiles. And you do cars. We have about the same volume of sales - $ 1 million. and the same profitability - 8% per annum, $ 80K. You take the net income and adds to it a loan of $ 1 million. for the expansion of production by 25%. More...

Economic literacy: «How to multiply money»
It seems that's the moment for many is not clear. Let me explain. Imagine that we all live and work in the same city Gadyukino and consume all local. And although we get paid in rubles, rubles but do not trust and prefer to borrow in dollars. And in our Gadyukino have one single bank, where we and all local businesses keep their money and take loans. More...