Publications on the economy

Gartner: Programmable economy will change everything
Tehnologicheskaya transformation, which Gartner defines as "programmable economy" has the potential to dramatically change almost every aspect of the global economy. This programmable economy is a massive transformation of the traditional values of sharing concepts, empowerment of people and smart machines to determine the value of the exchange and its rules. More...

Money in the economy is not enough? Why?
If we talk specifically about the economy of our country, in fact, there are two points of view: - Money our economy during the whole reform is not always enough. - More money (given, print, issue, etc.) can not be right because it will increase inflation. And one of the main objectives of the authorities (Central Bank primarily) to prevent inflation. More...

In the Urals, the workers began to pay wages coupons
Employees of a garment factory in Miass began issuing coupons salary - photos of the new "currency" appeared in social networks. More...

What the economy needs money (new money for the calculations)
Presently available money (rubles that that the dollars that any other currency of the modern economy) are deficient in their very nature. More...

The money of the future (arguments on practical futurology). As you know there is nothing more practical than a good theory. And when the theory "has gripped the masses" - it is shaping the future. But until then - any theory - it is only the basis for the projections. More...

State blockchain or revolution in finance, accounting and open government
The revolution in finance and any accounting - everything will happen without intermediaries. You probably already know that by means of decentralized environments like Bitcoin and NXT technology and data strings (blokcheyn, blockchain) can be done in such a way that the participants themselves are media without intermediaries keep track of the movement of its cash, stocks, etc. More...

The economic future and the absolute measure of value
Quotes of the important thoughts of correspondence about the money - it's the equivalent of a recognized measure reflecting the cost. Analysis of the ratio of gold to oil on the long range. Absolute unit cost of any goods or services - Unskilled labor hour. More...

Philosophy about economic future
Quotes of the important thoughts of correspondence and thoughts on the device of the existing system in which we live... More...

All existing financial system - a pyramid, where on top of world government with the Fed. Further, the central banks of further commercial banks. All resources are flocking to the top. The system is so arranged. This is normal - because it centralized. Power sosredotochina in the center. Generally speaking 10% of the people owned 90% of all resources. Using classical financial banking system, we continue to feed them. More...

I offer the option of a decentralized team where all work together to develop a cooperative system, but everyone inside the system makes their projects, their services, their businesses. Including the development of innovative long-term projects, to attract resources for their implementation. More...

Friends, after reading half the book Theory Cast and Role (TCR) I had a few thoughts. I came to the conclusion that the project belongs to a man if he owns assets. If there is information assets that can easily be copied and immediately belong to all equally. More...

With regard to the four zones (red, yellow, green, and silicic). About the fact that between the green area and the silicon is a big gap. And the fact that silicon is only a few areas of the world (5-6 points). More...

The following text is written at-one-breath, as a response to a letter Zamir with all the thoughts accumulated in recent time. Do not think critically. However, forgive, please read to the end. And, if possible, write a couple of lines to the PM what do you all think. It's important for me. More...

Publishes an open letter to the participants and speakers forum open innovation on education, the creation of local circles movement, business development, increasing interest in innovation and about the improvement of the economic environment. More...

I decided to publish the letter, which was written representative QIWI. I propose to discuss how we can be helpful to create a new economic system. More...

Provide citizens with an opportunity to distribute their own taxes
At the moment the budget at various levels of government often spent inefficiently. In silent protest society funding is expensive, useless and sometimes even harmful projects. More...

Money - this paper. Why share best deposits
Securities - such as mobile phones and twenty years ago, today it is the exotic attribute wealthy man, and tomorrow - a handy everyday tool, used by almost all. To use the tools of the stock market, do not have to be a professional broker: an effective way to preserve and multiply the savings available to everyone. More...

Reputational derivatives Solovyov! New financial instrument "Reputation derivative" (hereinafter RD) developed by me for the introduction of technology in the lives quantifying reputation. But not only for the measurement. More...

September 18, 2015 State Arctida the first time in the history of mankind has issued the latest financial instruments reputational derivatives (hereinafter RD). I would love to know your opinion on this draft? More...

E conscience and freedom shackles
Modern financial and legal system throughout breeds corruption, which is one of the most acute problems of global scale, as well as all kinds of injustice, lies, manipulation, fraud, and many other evils. However, in the depths of the Internet mature concepts and technologies that provide the preconditions for the construction of a new, more equitable financial and legal system. More...

The petition to grant citizens the right to self-distribute their own taxes
System crowdfunding got the widest distribution, won the people's love and proven effective, making it possible to implement many projects. This petition is proposed to use a scheme similar to crowdfunding as a system of public financing. For every taxpayer in this system will open an account, which will be transferred to its tax payments. Citizens therefore have the opportunity to dispose of their taxes and send them to the implementation of those projects that really meet their needs and interests. More...

I like predictions made by Ray Kurzweil. They are fun and quite accurate. I believe that we are living in a time when a startup should make strategic business decisions based on such predictions. Otherwise, it risks to stay in a business just for a short time and eventually lose in a technology race. More...

Friends! There was the creation of the economic game with demurrage (negative persent, charge for storage of money). Goal of the game - training businessmen effect when the money "melt", show that money is not a value in itself. And the main thing - to show the effect of repeated turnover growth and social benefit. More...

About Soviet civilization written many studies - and propaganda, and objective. History USSR is an attempt to create a state resembling a huge factory, with the overarching unifying goals, with the overall plan, common problems... No wonder it was decided to work treated as something self-value, high. More...

The new system of organization of society
How many hours you work per day? Would you like to work 2 hours a day, always live in an apartment with a good repair, a good ride on the (new) car, to get any benefit, free entertainment but in moderation. Out on the street to breathe fresh, clean air, swim in pools with crystal clear water, live in conditions close to the elite, to live in peace with each person on earth? More...

The end of capitalism has begun. What's next?
We did not notice that entered the post-capitalist era. At its center - information technology, new approaches to the economy and sharing. The old methods will not disappear for a long time, but it's time to talk about utopias again, said Paul Mason, the author of the new book and the editor of BBC Postcapitalism economy. Here is his programmatic article in The Guardian, which is done in the last few days a lot of noise. More...

The text of the court decision on kolion
I post the text of the decision of the court. Maybe someone will be curious to see what can not be. The original eight pages. Seven for the health, the last - for the peace! More...

The expected decision of the court was held - at the public prosecutor, the central bank, the Ministry of Finance, Tax Service, koliony found money, money substitutes or rather, besides representing a real threat to the Russian Federation and its payment system. They were declared illegal and banned currency. A sack of potatoes, pritner incubator and shaken the foundations. More...

Moscow Region court banned the production and trafficking "kolionov" issued by a farmer Mikhail Shlyapnikov for settlements with their customers in the village Kolionovo - the news spread quickly and just as quickly disappeared from the pages of the news media. Probably most readers and journalists just can not imagine what kind of an interesting phenomenon in question. More...

With pre-biblical times is taken for granted that "the poor get poorer and the rich get richer." Is it true? If true, then why is this happening, and how does it work? More...

The life of the Russian province is hidden from the state
About 40% of the working population of Russia in the informal sector of the economy. This economy and competitive market. subsistence farming are thriving in the province, "distributed manufactory", "garage Economy", "seasonal work", various crafts. More...

Heterodox economics refers to methodologies or schools of economic thought that are considered outside of "mainstream economics", often represented by expositors as contrasting with or going beyond neoclassical economics. More...

The new release presents NXT decentralized voting and transaction phase
Crypto-platform of the second generation NXT, introduced several new features in the new release 1.5.10, including decentralized voting escrow transaction (phasing), message limits to 42 kilobytes (4-5 thousand words) and much more. More...

Shaymuratiki, koliony... what next?
Recently, all the media reported that Moscow tried a farmer who let their currencies - koliony. According to the Prosecutor, the same koliony threaten the payment system of the Russian Federation. More...

The banking system in Russia at the time was created a blueprint "progressive development" countries. In fact, this banking pyramid, where the contribution covers the loan and revolving funds are placed in risky schemes on the exchanges. More...

City, which employs all the police - no, and the average salary - 1200 euros
This Spanish city is no police, crime and unemployment. Here lives only a couple of thousand people who were able to build your personal social-democratic utopia. More...

Economics, logistics, Finance, money, society, noosphere
In this article I present a definition of terms, the knowledge of which is necessary for understanding the System. More...

Before you engage in joint development I propose to draw up and sign the manifesto. This will give an understanding of what we do, which way to go, and who are already with us, and who is still unavailable. I propose to discuss now those items that will be at the heart of our movement. More...

Money - is an analogue of energy. The energy required to produce a product (good or service). In fact, Marx wrote about the same thing - only needed for the production of human labor. Human labor - that is, this energy - this is real money! More...