A community of free people

Клуб Инноваторов
Инструмент инвестирования в инновации

Клуб Партнёров
Создание дружеских отношений между производителями и потребителями

Finances projects for free!

Transhumanist community
Meetings are held the movement in 2045 and KrioRus

GR Club
The developed world, the strengthening of the high spiritual and moral ideals, goals, values and norms.

Club of loyal consumers
Consumer - from the word Demand
Free decentralized club of innovators and inventors, the club of creators, the club of entrepreneurs, investors and experts. The project is helping innovative start-ups to collect community and to attract financing for the manufacture of a prototype at an early stage (at the idea).

The project is a gaming platform to "invest" their potential - to attract the community to start-ups, for a fraction of the project (a total of 10% is allocated to the community). Share of 10% - pay for startups to attract the attention of people in the form of a game at the stage of ideas, to build a prototype. After creating a prototype, the share of 10% is transferred to investment-fund, and the money distributed between the original "investors" - people who supported the project at an early stage.
Accounting for the contribution to the project
Declaration of the Club
Video about the organization and structure of the Club
Groups Social Club
Presentation of all the projects are recorded on video and posted on the channel:
Video - Клуб инноваторов и изобретателей 2015-05-07 (1) - Правила Клуба - Клуб инноваторов и изобретателей 2015-05-07 (2) - Организационная структура - Клуб инноваторов и изобретателей 2015-05-07 (3) - Ответы на вопросы 1 - Клуб инноваторов и изобретателей 2015-05-07 (4) - Ответы на вопросы 2 - Клуб инноваторов и изобретателей 2015-05-07 (5) - Капитан - Клуб инноваторов и изобретателей 2015-05-07 (6) - Юрисдикция - Видео про NXT и архитектуру, как прообраз программной реализации системы для Клуба

Innovators Movement have! This is a major decision, which took the last Thursday meeting our high) Valery Hiltunen offered to call his abbreviated "Dvina". More...

Innovators Movement have! This is a major decision, which took the last Thursday meeting our high) Valery Hiltunen offered to call his abbreviated "Dvina". More...

The results of the Board of Stupino
Dear friends! Summing up the results of the Council for Innovation in Stupino can say with confidence that we have passed your first exam with flying colors! More...

My letter - a response to a question about decentralization, about the ideological department of the Soviet Union, about the torrent, pirate, and so on. More...

I finally realized that we needed to do and how to act to dramatically increase the efficiency of our operations. In this regard, today I have for you will be a few more than the usual letter. Rather proposal. In three parts. More...

Declaration of the Club (Alpha1)
Draft rules of the Club version Alpha1, organizational structure, rules of distribution of shares More...

In order to dispel illusions, I decided to write this article. Disclaimer: What is described here is my personal opinion. And so, why do I need a club of innovators and inventors (A-Klub)? More...

About CMIT Kulibina. And not only
Our world - a system based on the implementation of its (ie working tools of implementation and achievement of the objectives - this is a lie, aggression, power, resources inherit by right of kinship, social status, etc.). But in such a system there is equal opportunity for full implementation in accordance with their abilities, talents and purpose. More...

The accounting system of contributions for projects
Today we are in the group discussed a fair share of the account. Zamir proposed his theory, Kirill offered his. I wrote my thoughts. We want to create a transparent and fair system of accounting the contribution of each project participant. It is assumed that the first stages of working crowdsorsing (mikro-crowd-investing). More...

I propose the following scheme: Thursdays meet in small groups - a maximum of 10-15 people who are where he wants. On Saturday there are representatives of these groups. Remember the Kopa law. More...

The accounting system of contributions for projects (Zamir)
One algorithm allows a systematic approach to the creation and development of innovative enterprises: 50% - 10% to + 4 Division team leader; 50% - 10% on the 4 stages of venture crowdinvesting. More...

We innovators club, where everyone has the opportunity to free form to tell us about your project at the stage of ideas. This is the initial step towards the creation of a startup. At this stage, the guys get feedback, is the formation of the team and assesses our community (like / dislike, fly / not fly). More...

According to the concept of innovative development of the Russian Federation until 2020, should be provided with the transition of the Russian economy to an innovative type of development. Presidential Decree №596 dated May 7, 2012, "On the long-term national economic policy" in 2020 tasked with creating and upgrading of 25 million high-performance workplaces. More...

For the design of the production system, we outline in conjunction with the Aviation and Stupino Metallurgical College create an industrial accelerator "StupInno" with the information environment of project management, which is a pilot project of 3D printing houses "Domodelovo." The system creates a group of students pros IS-2 third-year college. More...

Real money - an idea that changes the future
We need not only ideas, but also the resources that allow them to occur. And so farther and higher spiral of development and our wonderful way of life! And most importantly of course, in all this we are - people who help each other brains in all these processes. More...

About the Creator, God, and the motto of our movement
We develop Innovators Community. We are talking about the choice of the motto for our company. The motto that reflects the essence of our business. As a result, we are talking about a creator. Publishes its response to the account of God, the Creator, and so forth. More...

I apologize in advance, but my goal now - is the most lucidly explain what VALUES and what TEAM. More...

Parents - this mentors for their children
A year ago, employees, and has been "successful" in the caste of slaves (the role of the specialist to the merchant). A year ago I ceased to be employed. My child was happy. I am not. I had plenty of time to work and deal with a child, but my child was nonetheless nurse (full day, why?). More...

The vote on the selection of common goals
Friends! From 10.22.2014 till 26.10.2014, the vote on the question of the selection of common: major, strategic and tactical objectives of the Community. Tactical Purpose Community: Creating a distributed network of communication in society, which can not be destroyed, moderate, or some other means to restrict freedom of information exchange. More...

How to implement a micro-crowdinvesting in Russia
The unit of account in the company - piece of pie. To become a member of the company will need to purchase a certain number piece of pie (shares). More...

In human relations association of human effort is called Synergy. You have the technical knowledge to each other - communication, and the third - resources. However, as a team, you have everyone appears far more opportunities. Before the advent of the innovation economy appear synergy distorts competition... More...

Startup - a young company, aimed at new markets. Creating his people - in the shower individualists and creators. Despite this algorithm for constructing startups rather is tough in nature. What determines their success at each stage, and how to avoid the inherent innovative disease? More...
Report on past events

Dear friends! At a meeting after the holiday, "A-Club" on May 14, we will discuss the script and format of the on-site of our new educational partner - Russian New University "RosNOU". Read more...

We have identified a sequence of interaction partners in the creation of high-grade information infrastructure of innovation, infrastructure segment as a whole, the partners who intend to combine their resources to create a network of information and common rules agreed upon by the participants in the meeting. Read more...

At the last meeting in the "A-Club" had some interesting proposals for the creation of infrastructure for innovation. This question is now the most urgent, because it is fertile soil in spring training will give us the opportunity to gather a good harvest in the fall. Read more...

First of all, shared his impressions of the premiere Innoshou "Abundance". Thank you to all the speakers and innovators beautifully maintained their participants. As happens at the premiere was all very interesting, but a little messy. Read more...

On the day of the vernal equinox, dear friends! It is today not only on a calendar, but also on the natural cycle comes into its own long-awaited spring! Read more...

Dear friends! After the incident together a community of "InInIn" and "AntiKB" We became not just more than 200 active innovators... More ideas, energy and resources! Read more...

Dear friends! In this amazing holiday I am immensely happy to inform you about the momentous event that occurred in our club meeting in the March full moon! Read more...

Dear friends! Congratulations on the arrival of spring! Yes, yes, again a holiday! Again, not one! We just before spring in one day were born just two prominent innovator - Andrey Kuznetsov and Alexey Vasiliev. Read more...

We called a media project "Village-21" because firstly it is a show about a village of the 21st century, second project will cover how 3D printers and building robots will build 21 houses in which to live and be designed and build their innovators finally, in the third he is called, because everything is an exciting action will take place in the creative community "Village". Read more...
Meeting InInIn 20150212
Meeting InInIn 20150205

The primary practical problem Ltd. "InInIn" - information infrastructure innovation. Everything we do in the game form, we will record videos of ideas. In general terms, our game will be to ensure that we create a "field", which begins to bring interesting ideas. During the discussion, on the basis of the ratings, arrive at the result - innovative projects. Read more...