Global Strategic Initiative

Open the world community
International Integration System to address global, regional and trans-regional challenges
Justification of the need and demand for global governance, cooperation and development of the countries of the Open World Community
Mankind has entered the XXI century and the third millennium. This is really a major event in the history of world civilization. What will be our common future, and what will be the place of residence of the world population, numbering over 7 billion. What will happen to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and many generations Earthlings?
Numerous environmental problems, military and religious conflicts, natural disasters, depletion of natural resources of the planet hundreds of millions of hungry people - all this and more makes us all think about the future of the world community about the possible solutions listed and not listed global problems and issues facing before all the nations of the world. The twentieth century has repeatedly made attempts to practical steps in this direction. So, after the First World War was created by the League of Nations after World War II - the United Nations.
But time moves inexorably forward. The UN has more than 50 years, during which time there were dozens of new states in the world has increased dramatically the number of species of all kinds of conflicts, local wars, drug addiction, new kinds of terrible diseases, the rapid development of technology and technology destructive impact on the natural environment and social environment, an increasing number of global problems for which insufficient efforts of one or more states, and analysis of the structure and activities of the UN, especially in recent years, has shown that the effectiveness of this global organization is also insufficient for a radical solution to these problems.
The UN Security Council, consisting of 15 states, including five permanent members, each of which has the right to veto any decision on the merits and can "execute" or "pardon" any of 232 of the world community. Thus, most of the world's population, in fact, was detached from the adoption of the most important decisions. Influence on his life and the life of the world community. There are many other negative aspects that require modernization and improvement of the daily activities of the United Nations and the entire system of global governance.
In order to help solve global problems. Ensure global and national security on the planet Earth. Prevent the Fourth World War, with all the possible catastrophic consequences for the peoples of the world. Equal participation in these processes of all countries of the world community, irrespective of the territory occupied by them and the number of the population. The proposed initiative aimed at improving the system of global governance, namely:
1) Open World Community - World Legal and Economic Union or the World Union of States, and their representatives, concerned its membership and active participation in global reform, as well as anti-crisis program for the sustainable and accelerated development based on breakthrough scientific technologies.
2) Opening of Parliament - the decentralized system of parliamentary assemblies, integrated through modern information and communication technology systems, aimed at the establishment, improvement and strengthening of international law and rules to ensure the legal and constitutional guarantees to all subjects of the global legal environment, domestic and foreign investors, media know-how and technologies to support national programs of social, economic and technological development of the Community, providing the constitutional development of democratic reforms in the Member States of the Community, other rights and freedoms of members of the Community, subject to processing and application of new legal, political, social, information, polling, organizational and other technologies.
3) Open Government - the executive branch to enforce the decisions of the legislative system of the opening of Parliament on the level of transnational actors global common legal space.
4) Open Court (ICJ)
5) Open the Committee on Media and PR
6) The system of Global and National Security
7) Global Monitoring System
All systems operate on a permanent basis. The proposed structure, functions and procedures of the new bodies of the World Community presented in the Appendix to this document.
For the period up to the organization, permanent structures Open World Community on an international basis, it is advisable to prepare public opinion, accumulation of ideas and suggestions organizational arrangements to collect and begin partial implementation of projects on problems within the aims and objectives of the above structures, volunteer, with fiduciary support system and strategic partners.
Since May 1999 in Russia at the International Russian Club, as well as with representatives of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria and the United States operates the organizing committee for the creation of public World Government and the Public World Parliament. The Organizing Committee understands that the aforementioned new non-public international organizations are not the only structures concerned with the future of mankind. Problems of survival engaged and involved hundreds of thousands of people and organizations in all parts of our planet. Thousands of organizations direct their efforts to improve the lives of all people of the earth, to save our common home for future generations.
The upcoming change of centuries means for humanity and other important historical milestone - go international community in the third millennium. Far from all generations fate gave the opportunity, and the philosophical aspect is not all present, which means the upcoming event. Man made to comprehend the history of its development for years, decades and centuries. Achievements of civilization, progress in science and technology, cultural development, the rise and fall of different societies - everything has its own criteria and evaluation in terms of the corresponding time. In this context, an attempt to reach the summit thinking only sequence of events of world history from the standpoint of the millennial time factor largely change the current idea of what was done by humanity during its existence, and most importantly - what should be done in the near and distant future.
In 2000, the Organizing Committee held a necessary arrangements for the establishment and functioning of the Open World Government, World Open Parliament Open Court Open Committee, as well as a system of global and national security. The activity of these international organizations provide the support and active participation of prominent statesmen and public figures in the world. Each member of the Open World Community becomes a citizen of the world, with the award to him of the corresponding certificate of a citizen of the world. Each Member of the opening of Parliament, Open Government, Open Court Open Systems Committee and global and national security, also has a corresponding certificate that provides access to all institutions, organizations and their affiliates, who are members of an open community or residents of countries - members of the Open World Community.
Community members and leaders of its departments, services, funds, departments, divisions; advisers, experts or consultants may be large, public and political figures, presidents and prime ministers of State, heads of regions, states, lands, provinces, mayors, famous scientists, writers, poets, artists, doctors, teachers, engineers, as well as businessmen and entrepreneurs from all over the world. General management, as well as the operational system and strategic coordination of community structure, development and implementation of its projects and programs carried out by the Executive Committee, headed by the Chairman of the High Commissioner, Chairman and coordinators of these structures.
Commonwealth Secretariat annually publishes materials in special collections, as well as on the Internet, about their activities, publishes encyclopedic reference book "The Golden Book of the World" with the names and a brief summary of the members, the community, its projects and programs. The main headquarters Community and its structures is performing in Russia (Moscow).
Is Required
1. Preparation of the peoples of the world public opinion to the need for major changes in the management of the world community, in order to prevent local or world wars, global issues in the field of ecology, culture, health, education, population, crime, human rights and others.
2. Preparation of the project to build the structure and principles of the World Parliament, as a legislative body of the Global Management System
3. Combining the efforts of current and former members of parliament, lawyers, experts in various fields of human activity, citizens of different countries of the world in the field of global legislative activity
4. Collection and analysis of existing international instruments on disarmament, ecology, economy, culture, crime, air and water the world's oceans, etc.
5. Development of projects:
1) of the Basic Law - the Constitution of the World
2) Tax Law of the GDP (approximately 0.1-0.3%) in the budget of the world's governments to address global programs, the stable functioning of the global financial system, helping underdeveloped countries.
3) Tax Law multinational companies at a rate of 0.3-0.6% of turnover. Nowadays, there are about 40 thousand. Such companies in the world.
4) Tax Law from all vehicle owners in all countries of the world: with the cars of 0.5-1.0% per year, with a cargo of 2.0-3.0% per year
5) of the Tax Act in connection with the use of air transport, space vehicles and systems: Air Passenger 0.1-0.2 cents each flight, with the owners of aircraft $ 50-100 per year from the transport unit, with each launch rockets into space for in orbit satellites, probes, test purposes, flight to the space station, etc. - 10-50 thousand. $ From the first start.
6) of the Tax Act in connection with the use of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans - with each piece of boats (boats, motor boats, yachts, ships of all types, ferries, etc. - from 1 up to $ 500 per year. From all military surface vessels and submarines, crossing the 12-mile zone of the country 50tys.-500 thousand. $ for each case), the law of the disarmament of the world, the order of formation, dislocations, financing and implementation of international forces Open Government
7) of the main control inspections on Open Government: disarmament, human rights, environmental security, border disputes, ethnic conflicts and others.
8) of the introduction of a single global currency, as well as the creation of a single decentralized system of global financial institutions
9) of the Act on the use of political, economic, military and other sanctions against states that violate the Constitution and statutes of the World Opening of Parliament
10) of the restructuring and liquidation of the debt to the IMF, the World Bank and others. International Financial Institutions
11) of the Law on the Budget of the Union Vemirnogo States
6. Other laws and regulations of the opening of Parliament