The joint collection of resources for the implementation of various projects

Фонд (фр. fond от лат. fundus) — совокупность систем и элементов, работающих одним целым для достижения общей цели.
Фонд — (фр. fond, от лат. fundus — основание) общественная организация, которая ведает (принимает и распоряжается) средствами, поступающими к ней для каких-нибудь социально значимых целей.
- Nano-investing in projects. For example, to finance the development of a unique technology that has a chance to be successful, and you will probably get in the future income of the investor.
- Financing products of the future. For example, helping to finance the release of the inventor of the product, which is not yet on the market, and get the preference of its acquisition in the future.
- Social projects. For example, the improvement of the children's playground in the yard of your house.
- Charitable projects. For example, to assist in the treatment of patients with severe illness.
- Creative projects. For example, help your favorite artists to record an album and get its electronic version.