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Activities agribusiness village near Moscow Kolionovo transferred to blockchain
The farm, which is located in a small village near Moscow Kolionovo, integrated its activities in blockchain. More...

The text of the court decision on kolion
I post the text of the decision of the court. Maybe someone will be curious to see what can not be. The original eight pages. Seven for the health, the last - for the peace! Read more...

The expected decision of the court was held - at the public prosecutor, the central bank, the Ministry of Finance, Tax Service, koliony found money, money substitutes or rather, besides representing a real threat to the Russian Federation and its payment system. They were declared illegal and banned currency. A sack of potatoes, pritner incubator and shaken the foundations. Read more...

Moscow Region court banned the production and trafficking "kolionov" issued by a farmer Mikhail Shlyapnikov for settlements with their customers in the village Kolionovo - the news spread quickly and just as quickly disappeared from the pages of the news media. Probably most readers and journalists just can not imagine what kind of an interesting phenomenon in question. Read more...

Shaymuratiki, koliony... what next?
Recently, all the media reported that Moscow tried a farmer who let their currencies - koliony. According to the Prosecutor, the same koliony threaten the payment system of the Russian Federation. Read more...