Technical direction (A-CluB)

Meeting for the presentation, discussion of ideas, pans, projects
Held once a week, on Thursdays
Do you have a crude idea, but there are no resources - we will help you realize it. We are an open community of people with ideas, projects, resources, experience and contacts. Join us and we will make every effort to help you realize your projects from art to technology or global utopias. We are not all-powerful, but really can do a lot, and every day, with every new member, our possibilities only grow.
In online and regular meetings of the participants to pool resources and efforts around interesting ideas and receive a share in projects, which have contributed. Someone may be a great idea, but nothing else, and others - unique equipment, underutilized capacity, free workplace, the remains of a suitable material for the hosts who may be illiquid assets, but may be the key resources for the implementation of ideas and bring considerable dividends.
In a typical commercial business incubator for which require a fee, you will not talk, if you have only an idea, but no team, business plan, prototype. We are ready to develop any idea if it seems interesting. And then he can find a team and all the necessary resources.
Even if your only resource - the thirst for creation - we look forward to seeing you! There are in addition other resources - we will be glad to see you twice :)) We have a lot of promising projects, participating in which you can achieve your goals, learn a lot and find this individual friends.
But we will help only to projects aimed at the benefit.
Groups club in social networks
Presentation of all the projects are recorded on video and posted on the channel: