
A commune (the French word appearing in the 12th century from Medieval Latin communia, meaning a large gathering of people sharing a common life; from Latin communis, things held in common) is an intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, property, possessions, resources, and, in some communes, work and income. Wikipedia

The collective wisdom of the ants
Ant colonies live without any centralized control. Knowing exactly how they do it, we will be able to understand and work of other systems that operate without the "pointers from above" - from the brain to the Internet. Read more...

Muhammad Yunus. Birth of the "banker of the poor" Read more...

Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust
There's been an explosion of collaborative consumption — web-powered sharing of cars, apartments, skills. Rachel Botsman explores the currency that makes systems like Airbnb and Taskrabbit work: trust, influence, and what she calls "reputation capital." Read more...

Social business: the public good instead of profit maximization
In his book "Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism" Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus offers different look at the dominant economic model, in which we exist. The solution of social problems he sees in the proven tools on their own experience: social business, microlending. And investors, and the poor man it leaves space for creativity. Read more...