"Aspirin" - the Agency to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives "Resources and Innovations" - a project that is currently under development. ... Free money in Bashkiria - Rustam Davletbaev
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Free money in Bashkiria - Rustam Davletbaev
Economist Expert, Project Manager of using free money Silvio Gesell in Bashkiria. Beginning of the first experiment to introduce Gesell money in Russia. More...

Blog ideas4future already talked about the theory of free money (Freigeld) Silvio Gesell and projects of local currency generated worldwide territorial and online communities to solve their problems: mitigating the consequences of economic crises, mutually beneficial exchange of goods and services, the development of local business and employment, strengthening mutual support and a sense of community, improve the local environment, etc. Here we will focus on the first post-Soviet space such a project - the Russian village Shaymuratovo (Bashkiria). More...

Employees of agricultural enterprises received salaries in commodity coupons More...

People clearly lost confidence in money as the standard value. But, maybe the problem is not money itself, but the fact that there are fewer trust between people? Suffice it to recall the currency war last year, during which the state staged a race devaluations of their currencies to benefit from the rest of the world - or at least not lose. More...

To pay workers wages on time, a farmer from Bashkiria... printed money
The original means of combating rural lack of money brought in their Farm entrepreneur from Karmaskalinsky area Artur Nurgaliyev. His farm walk like Russian rubles, and especially the local "currency" - trade coupons that locals have nicknamed "shaymuratikami" - the name of the enterprise "Shaymuratovo". People are happy to take them instead of part of the salary, they take sellers a few stores and they say, even the taxi drivers. More...

Presentation of aspirin and a trip to Shaymuratovo
Aspirin Presentation at the seminar "Crisis? What to do !!" involving M.Hazina, O.Grigoreva and A.Vinogradova Shaymuratovo and a trip to the place the practical implementation of a system of free calculations. 24-25 November 2011. More...

Shaymuratiki - convenient currency
Arthur Nurgaliyev appeared in Karmaskalinsky District five years ago. Local authorities took the young man with a certain degree of vigilance: apparently, the guy with the money, and what he wants - is unclear. What a folly such vtemyashit him in the head? Requests hundred hectares of arable land, in order to personally see how sugar cane is grown, and how from it sugar is obtained. More...

The system of summary calculations
In today's world occur extremely important economic processes in the near future will affect the life of every Russian. The global economic crisis of 2008, which could slightly dampen returns in a new way. Its effects can be extremely destructive, even when compared with "the Great Depression of the 30s" in the United States. More...

The experiment with free money, RUSSIA
On the experience of the introduction into circulation of "free money Gesell" (commodity coupons to gradually lower the nominal value of the time, the project "Aspirin") in the settlements: a. Shaymuratovo, city Karmaskaly (Karmaskalinsky District, Bashkiria, Russia). More...