The process of planning, organization, motivation and control to achieve the organization's goals

Экономическая система Чартаева

Экономическая система Водянова

Агентство стимулирования предпринимательских инициатив


«The concept of platforms has died - ecosystems have replaced it»
The employee of the studio for development and promotion of mobile applications Upstream Manolis Babiolakis spoke about a new stage in the evolution of IT products - the creation of an ecosystem. As an example, he leads Slack and Trello, which integrate other applications into their services. As a result, the value of this ecosystem is increased for each of its participants. More...

In the spring of 2015 the company announced liquidation Zappos hierarchical management system and the transition to holakratii. Positions replaced with "role" and the responsibilities of each employee can establish themselves. Browser figured out what happened to Zappos for half a year and how other companies have successfully used the principles holakratii. More...

Self-management in the company: myth or reality?
Ricardo Semler, CEO of the Brazilian, who realized at the enterprise concept of "corporate democracy". We decided to find out what it is and whether this concept works in domestic companies. More...

Ricardo Semler: entrepreneur does not want to control anything
Brazilian CEO and author of best-selling books turned his enterprise for the production of oil pumps in the reference group, controlled with staff participation which 14 consecutive years showed a double-digit annual growth rate. More...

Network system Innovation Economy
Global trends and the realities of Russia. Natalia Smorodinskaya. Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Expert Workshop. February 15, 2016 Read more...

Networking in business, society and nature. Colleagues! A seminar on networks in RVC. This press release. Read more...

I offer the option of a decentralized team where all work together to develop a cooperative system, but everyone inside the system makes their projects, their services, their businesses. Including the development of innovative long-term projects, to attract resources for their implementation. Read more...

Friends, after reading half the book Theory Cast and Role (TCR) I had a few thoughts. I came to the conclusion that the project belongs to a man if he owns assets. If there is information assets that can easily be copied and immediately belong to all equally. Read more...

With regard to the four zones (red, yellow, green, and silicic). About the fact that between the green area and the silicon is a big gap. And the fact that silicon is only a few areas of the world (5-6 points). Read more...

The following text is written at-one-breath, as a response to a letter Zamir with all the thoughts accumulated in recent time. Do not think critically. However, forgive, please read to the end. And, if possible, write a couple of lines to the PM what do you all think. It's important for me. Read more...

Publishes an open letter to the participants and speakers forum open innovation on education, the creation of local circles movement, business development, increasing interest in innovation and about the improvement of the economic environment. Read more...

I decided to publish the letter, which was written representative QIWI. I propose to discuss how we can be helpful to create a new economic system. Read more...

The petition to grant citizens the right to self-distribute their own taxes
System crowdfunding got the widest distribution, won the people's love and proven effective, making it possible to implement many projects. This petition is proposed to use a scheme similar to crowdfunding as a system of public financing. For every taxpayer in this system will open an account, which will be transferred to its tax payments. Citizens therefore have the opportunity to dispose of their taxes and send them to the implementation of those projects that really meet their needs and interests. Read more...

Friends! There was the creation of the economic game with demurrage (negative persent, charge for storage of money). Goal of the game - training businessmen effect when the money "melt", show that money is not a value in itself. And the main thing - to show the effect of repeated turnover growth and social benefit. Read more...

About Soviet civilization written many studies - and propaganda, and objective. History USSR is an attempt to create a state resembling a huge factory, with the overarching unifying goals, with the overall plan, common problems... No wonder it was decided to work treated as something self-value, high. Read more...

The new system of organization of society
How many hours you work per day? Would you like to work 2 hours a day, always live in an apartment with a good repair, a good ride on the (new) car, to get any benefit, free entertainment but in moderation. Out on the street to breathe fresh, clean air, swim in pools with crystal clear water, live in conditions close to the elite, to live in peace with each person on earth? Read more...

Muhammad Yunus. Birth of the "banker of the poor" Read more...

Motivation system c elements of market relations
Metaphysics idea is to introduce market relations in production processes. According to legend, the idea was first proposed in 1982 by the Soviet specialist in organizational technologies Valery Vodianova and used in the construction of the Kalinin NPP. For the same legend were obtained outstanding results and team builders turned into something integral "we", showing outstanding performance. Read more...

Social business: the public good instead of profit maximization
In his book "Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism" Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus offers different look at the dominant economic model, in which we exist. The solution of social problems he sees in the proven tools on their own experience: social business, microlending. And investors, and the poor man it leaves space for creativity. Read more...