IT transaction system
IT-platform "Settlement Center for the consumer societies and cooperatives"

In fact - this is the clearing center of the cooperative economy of Russia, which are members of co-operatives and consumer society. The project aims to make a major push in this direction in our country. IT-platform technologies designed to blockchain and the new economic policy of negative interest rates, is widely used today by European central banks.
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The last few weeks Segwit - one of the most discussed topics in the Bitcoin community and will remain so for a long time. The latest release of Bitcoin Core 0.13.1 already contains Segwit, which was announced in the previous version 0.13, so it's time to tell us more about what kind of solution. More...

The use of innovative financial technology
Scientific-practical conference "The use of innovative financial technologies at the municipal level" More...

Comparison of Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake
Anyone who is close enough acquainted with Bitcoins, certainly understands that this is a revolutionary achievement, created by the legendary, looked far into the future a person or group of persons. At first glance, this is a revolutionary technology that allows you to send money without any central authority. You do not need someone who will issue your money, they are just there - something like gold. More...

Decides whether Bitcoin Lightning blockchain scalability problem?
Increased blokcheyna size continues to raise questions about whether Bitcoin cope with the growing number of transactions. But is it possible to solve the scalability problem blokcheyna by a decentralized system in which transactions are sent over the network micro-channels is blokcheyna? More...