Yaroslav Loginov

Yaroslav Loginov: Engaged in the creation of artificial intelligence by 2045 and AI Kernel. Working on his own projects LibreMoney.org (KriyaMoney.org since May 2013) and Libre.Life (since February 2015). Organized Coinfest-2015-Moscow. A Member Of The Pirate Party Of Russia and the Club of Innovators and Inventors "A-CluB". As well as for the establishment of decentralized resource and reputational economy through the mechanism of Consumer Societies.
prof9.narod.ru - About AI
I was born and raised in Kemerovo. Six years he worked in Novosibirsk. Since 2014 I live in Moscow. Worked as a programmer Delphi, 1C, PHP, JavaScript, etc. Engaged AI - AIAssistant projects and AiKernel. The last six months working on a project LibreMoney.org. From February 1 - Project Libre.Life

Now there is a question of creating a "Resource Database" - a decentralized database of various goods and services in order to, in the long term, to optimize searches and logistics. And most importantly make it more convenient sharing. In any case, it is now actively developing carsharing, uberisation, more comfortable rental of property (airbnb/booking/etc). More...

Project Architecture Partners Club
For Project Partners Club (formerly known as Club loyal consumers) drew the following "architecture". To be more precise algorithm for sequences of action intended user in the system. More...

Еженедельные мини-отчёты - это очень хорошая практика. Напишу про себя. Что сделано за прошедшую неделю (21-28 апреля). UPD: добавил результаты. More...

About an unconditional basic income and Chartaev system
A small report. Was Foresight "Private enterprise". Three hours figured out that this person, what boundaries are distinguished from an entrepreneur is not an entrepreneur, a businessman, and so on. As a result, for myself realized that we are all entrepreneurs, but in varying degrees. More...